Add Color to Your Autumn Garden with This Minnesota Native Plant

by | Sep 2019

Rudbeckia, a pollinating plant native to Minnesota.

Photo: Christina Timm

Rudbeckia are a great addition to any pollinator garden and bloom well into autumn.

Go native with Rudbeckia, a yellow daisy-like flower that continues to bloom throughout the summer and well into autumn. Plant them in large quantities for mass color. The American Gold Rush variety offers big, bold blooms with curved, golden petals and dark centers, hence the name black-eyed Susan.

Rudbeckia are loved by many insects, including bees and butterflies, and make a great addition to any pollinator garden. Their center seeds also attract birds later in autumn when the flower head is done blooming.

If you’re still on the fence about planting Rudbeckia in your yard, here are a few more perks. Its thin, fuzzy foliage means it can ward off certain fungus when humidity starts to climb. This makes the Rudbeckia more of a Minnesota hardy plant than others. It is also deer resistant, so there is no need to worry about having your beautiful flower garden mowed down by the wild life.

Exposure: Full to part sun
Bloom Time: June-October
Zone: 4-9
Height and Width: 20-24


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