Welcome to the March/April 2021 Issue

by | Mar 2021

March/April 2021 Maple Grove Magazine

Wide open spaces. If 2020 gave us anything, it’s the appreciation (dare I say downright unbridled love?) of them and the physical and emotional freedom that they afford and inspire.

In this issue, both of the feature articles address ways to stretch boundaries for ourselves—and for other important and beloved members of our households!

In New Heights, I shed a bright camping lantern on one of Kate Becker’s outdoor endeavors—rooftop camping. As a photographer, it’s no wonder that Becker is always on the lookout for new perspectives and viewpoints. She and her husband, Tony, have hit the camping trails on numerous adventures with their iKamper in tow, and it “… (literally) elevates the car camping experience,” Becker says.

Curious? Becker answers a host of questions about “how to and what to know,” so be sure to park yourself at the article to learn about another way you can hit the road and reserve a spot under the stars for your next getaway.

Speaking of open spaces, don’t forget to get your dogs out to stretch their legs. In Go Play Outside!, writer Claire Swenson highlights area spots that are ideal for dog walking. She also spoke with Jean Larson of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum’s Nature-Based Therapeutic Services. Among other things, Larson reminds pet owners to allow dogs to “follow their instincts” while out on walks. She also highlights safety and play elements to consider when providing pet space in home yards.

Adventure seekers, when the time is right, where will you roam? Dog owners, is there a favorite spot in the area where you enjoy taking your pet for a stroll?

Until next time,

-Renée Stewart-Hester, editor

Read the digital edition.


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