The Ranunculus: A Minnesota Spring Annual to Brighten Your Garden

by | Apr 2019

Ranunculus, Minnesota flowers, spring gardening, spring flowers, annuals

Photo: Christina Timm

April showers bring ranunculus.

When you think about spring, most people think of the pansy, but have you ever considered the ranunculus? Kind of a mouth full, the ranunculus is a beautiful spring flower that is grown as an annual in Minnesota.

So why are they so popular? For starters, their flower consists of layers and layers of beautiful, silky petals. As you can see, another great appeal is the many bright colors to choose from when selecting for your garden or container. With vivid, striking colors of pinks, yellows, oranges and reds, they pop off their bright green foliage.

Ranunculus not only has a unique flower with a variety of colors to choose from, but it can offer even more. With the flower head resting on a tall strong stem, they are great for fresh cut flowers during the spring months. They also grow well as a container garden alongside pansies, tulips or mums.

The ranunculus enjoys bright natural light and well-drained soil. Not enough light and too much water can result in the flower bulb rotting out. So, if you are looking to try something new this spring, give the ranunculus a shot. You might be surprised about its bold color and layered flower petals.


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