Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day at Rock Your Socks

by | Mar 2025

Rock Your Socks Maple Grove

The annual Rock Your Socks event includes carnival games, music and, of course, mismatched socks. Photo: Joey C Photography

Gather on March 21 for an evening of fun.

Join the City of Maple Grove for World Down Syndrome Day on March 21 at the Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Road. Rock Your Socks includes carnival games, music and brightly colored, mismatched socks.

“Our mismatched socks are a symbol, not only of the chromosome shape, but the importance of celebrating the diversity and differences that make our lives full,” says recreation program specialist Crystal Anderson. “This is an event full of joy and fun!”

The event, which takes place on March 21 annually, celebrates those with three sets of chromosomes of their 21st chromosome. “Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day is one of my favorite events of the year,” Anderson says. “We come together to show our unconditional acceptance of the diversity of our community. It reminds us of the beauty of diversity and strength of inclusion.”


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