Prep Elite: Meet ‘All-Around Great Guy’ Alex Edstrom

by | Aug 2019

Alex Edstrom of Heritage Christian Academy, a member of this year's Prep Elite.

Photo: Rachel Nadeau

One of Heritage Christian Academy’s top students is also a multi-sport athlete and youth mentor.

Congratulations to this year’s Prep Elites, who were nominated by their schools for our annual feature. It’s always difficult to decide among a worthy group of local teens, who strive in their own ways to make it to “the top.” Here are this year’s Prep Elites: Monica RampetsreiterGavin PetersonMaria Paula Cadena Amortegui

Alex Edstrom
Heritage Christian Academy

Academics: Honor Roll 9-11th grades
Extra-curriculars: Soccer 9-11th grades; golf 10-11th grades; basketball 9-11th grades; community basketball captain 9th grade, athletic team service; works with youth at Heritage basketball camps, Young Living rep; landscaper

MPG: What do you wish you could have told your freshman self?
AE: I would tell him to enjoy the four years that make up high school because they only happen once …

MPG: What is the most important way in which you gave back to your high school or community?
AE: Because I go to a smaller school, that gives me a special chance to get to see the elementary and middle school students grow and learn while I am at school. In summers, I have had the chance to play soccer and basketball with the elementary and middle school kids and create new friendships through my mentoring at these camps.

MPG: What did you learn from that experience?
AE: … no matter how little I think my actions might be to me, they can have a major impact on another kid’s life …

MPG: What are your post high school plans?
AE: I plan on going to college and majoring in marketing and either minoring in business education or getting a second major in something else business related.

MPG: Give us three words to describe yourself.
AE: Calculated (I like to stay back and think about my options …), athletic (… I am an athlete at heart …) and reliable (… I do my very best to make sure that, when people need help, they know that they can come to me …)

“We nominated Alex because he is a person of character and integrity. He is a service-minded, high-achieving young man, who will go far. He is tender with the children he helps to coach … an all-around great guy.” —Julie Herman, director of admissions and community relations


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