Go Red, White and Blue in Your Garden

by | Jul 2020

flowers of delphinium on a white background


Go red, white and blue for a patriotic hue.

If you want to create the best Fourth of July show in your garden, consider these design tips. With any new container, use the thriller (catches the eye), filler (adds depth) and spiller (drapes over the container) method.

For sunny areas, start with red salvias, fill in with white geraniums and finish with trailing blue petunias. For shady spots, start with red coleuses, fill in with white New Guinea impatiens and finish with blue torenias.

White hibiscus flower


Think outside the garden box, and use unique standalone plants: Add tropical plants like cordylines and crotons to achieve a bold look. Choose gardenias or white hibiscuses for subtle color. Blue flowers can be difficult to find, however there are some options. Try delphiniums, primroses or blue pearl Jacob’s ladders.

Ti plant or Cordyline fruticosa leaves

iStock/Dewin ‘ Indew


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