Food Network Star Serves ‘Festive Holiday Recipes’ in Cookbook

by | Nov 2020

Festive holiday foods

Photo: Chris Emeott

Food Network star Addie Gundry shares recipes for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.

In Festive Holiday Recipes: 103 Must-make Dishes for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve Everyone Will Love by Food Network star Addie Gundry, you’ll find delightful and easy-to-follow holiday recipes, which range from delicious to creative. There are even recipes for last-minute entertaining during the holidays.

Start your day with wake-me up cinnamon rolls for brunch. Follow them with salted caramel eggnog for an afternoon or evening drink, and you’ll find yourself well-fed as you prepare your best roast turkey with traditional Thanksgiving stuffing for the day’s main course. Don’t forget candied yams for a side dish. End your day with reindeer “poop” for a holiday treat you are sure to find will please everyone.


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