Ring in the New Year at the Maple Grove Community Center

by | Dec 2019

Residents celebrate New Year's Eve at the Maple Grove Community Center

Photo: Maple Grove Art Center

Gather with the community for an evening of fun.

Top off the season’s celebrations with a New Year’s Eve party from 2-6 p.m. at the Maple Grove Community Center. The special event has become an annual tradition, which offers residents a family-friendly option to bid adieu to the year and celebrate new beginnings.

Get ready to crack open some silly summer clothes. The theme of the event is Hawaiian and beach, a lovely respite from the wintry weather.

Revelers will be treated to live music (a la a DJ), arts and crafts, inflatable fun toys, face painting and much more. Forget a ball drop. The exclamation on this party is a colorful, festive balloon drop. Registration opens December 1. Tickets are $10 or $13 if space is available.

Maple Grove Community Center New Year's Eve

Maple Grove Community Center
12951 Weaver Lake Road
Facebook: City of Maple Grove, MN – Local Government
Twitter: @maplegrovemngov


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