Pack meals and snacks to minimize the need to stop. iStock/Jokic
When prepping for holiday travel, remember the emergency kit for your car.
Last year, more than 55 million travelers planned to start the Thanksgiving holiday with a trip of 50 or more miles away from home, according to the AAA. But, that was last year—and we all know 2020 is a different animal. Regardless of the state of the pandemic, travelers will likely continue to move about with caution.
“AAA recommends being prepared,” says Linda Snyder, CTC vice president, travel and retail services. “Be sure you have multiple masks for each family member along with supplies of hand sanitizer, wipes and plastic baggies … Pack snacks and a cooler, so you don’t have to stop multiple times for refreshments, and be aware that many restaurants have shortened hours, so you want to be prepared.”
“Check with each state you will visit or pass through to see the regulations. The interactive map and information on our website will help you navigate border rules, mask requirements and more,” Snyder says.
Snyder reminds drivers to check their cars’ tire pressure and tread (“You should be able to put a penny in the groves. If the forehead and hair on Abe are covered, your tires are great.”); battery (“If it is close to being dead, the cold will zap it even faster … ”): oil; brakes, air filter and hose lines; fluid levels (“Top them off, and if snow and ice [are] in the forecast, throw in some extra wiper fluid with a low freezing point.”); and gas tank (“Start with a full tank of gas, and fill up before it drops below a quarter tank, just in case you get stranded.”)
When packing, remember the emergency kit:
- Basic first aid supplies
- Blankets/warm clothes
- Bright-colored cloth/flag/rope
- Flashlight with batteries
- Paper and pen
- Phone and car chargers
- Shovel and sand/towels/kitty litter
- Water
The Maple Grove AAA office is located at 13589 Grove Drive. Members may pick up maps and tour books and even work with a travel agent to plan a drive (or other) trip. Non-members are able to shop in the travel store for merchandise including road kits, masks, packable coolers and games. (AAA members receive a discount on store merchandise.)